Welcome to Theron Transform. A USA corporation with manufacturing and installation facilities in Texas USA and Poland EU in collaboration with THERON TECHNOLOGIES.
The need for the survival of Earth and Humanity mandates our TERRA factories.
Once funded, our company will specialize in removing combustion, diesel, and EV engines from vehicles, vessels, and aerospace items and replacing them with permanent energy engines. This will enable these planes, boats, cars, tanks, etc. to never need to refuel and keep working for the benefit of humanity with total green energy.
THERON TRANSFORM with its head office in Palm Beach County Florida at the TERRA THERON TECHNOLOGIES corporate office, will have manufacturing locations outside Corpus Christie Texas, and a Europe manufacturing plant in Poland. Having these two strategic locations will be paramount in the bigger picture of the International supply chain demands. Having inland manufacturing facilities that are port-based in a business-friendly Country is a must. Texas as well as Poland can provide these critical manufacturing locations.
THERON TRANSFORM with supply chain of PMG’s from THERON TECHNOLOGIES will assist industries like Oil and EV and enable them to be better at supplying Oil for our national and global human consumption by bringing permanent generators to all oil fields instead of very expensive wind and solar that are useless energy resources even over a short timeframe like 5 to 10 years. The same for EV technology. We can help the EV industry remove their extremely costly and dangerous lithium batteries with our technology and make the EV industry even cleaner and longer lasting. Safe and clean energy! – Cornelius Theron CEO
A prototype transform engine for a commercial hybrid-conversion kit for military tactical vehicles has been designed to remove fuel consumption, improve performance, and decrease logistics demand. This is essential for our military in the USA and NATO forces in Europe.